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Masters of the Shoot: Experience in the Industry
We’ve all heard of the ‘10,000 hours’ rule. It was first introduced by Malcolm Gladwell as the glass ceiling of practice needed for gaining ‘mastery’ in any field.

Giving Everyone a Fair Deal
Most if not all public facing companies want to believe their clients and customers have a great experience using their services.

In-house vs. External Video Production - A Modern Discussion
The appetite for video content in the modern digital world is larger than ever. From the TV in your front room to the phone in your pocket, there is an avalanche of content streaming to potential consumers every single day.

Balancing the Budget - A Crash Course
Not every brief matches its budget. Sometimes we have to just make it work.

TV Commercial Protection Insurance: What You Need to Do
You’ve decided you want to take the plunge and make your big idea a reality.

Clearcast The Dos And Don'ts Of TV Clearance
It was the Christmas ad everyone was talking about. In 2018, it wasn’t the usual John Lewis TV commercial event that had caught everyone’s attention.

Inspiration and Where to Find It
Where do ideas come from? It’s a question that has been asked through the ages...

Where Video Budgets Get Spent
Back in the halcyon days of 90s Hollywood, a new independent filmmaker rode into town.

Crewing Up: Who to get and what they do
We’ve all done it. The final scene of our favourite film plays out and we keep watching trying to read each and every name. No? If you’re a real film geek like we are, you’ll be watching all the credits.

Studio or Location? That is the question
The life of a filmmaker is all about choices. At every stage of production there will be decisions made that can make or break the production.

Licensing in Advertising
TVC production costs money. There we said it. It’s the simple truth of the matter.

Deliverables in the 21st Century
With the advent of modern technology the world is now a much smaller place. The ability to reach the masses has gotten a lot easier but the competition for their attention is fiercer.

Media Spend vs Production Spend
The most important element of any ad campaign is to sell. It’s as simple as that.

Why You Need Fresh Creative
Creative matters. It matters a lot. It’s often the least valued yet most valuable commodity in the world of advertising.

Thinking Fast on a Shoot
One of the most important skills you can have in video production is the ability to think fast.

Diversifying Your Skill Set
The phrase “Jack of all trades, master of none” is a common refrain for a dabbler who hasn’t dedicated enough attention to one specific skill set to master it.

Being Passionate About Your Job
Video production isn’t always easy. Fortunately, at Paragon Pictures we’re passionate about every aspect of video production.

Contingency Planning
Video production is a complex game to play. And like any complex game it helps if you’re able to anticipate things several moves ahead.

The Art of Writing a Good Schedule
The actors haven’t arrived at the right shooting location in the morning.